Monday, March 31, 2008

Success is a Choice

Success is about Choosing What You Want in Life!

You can choose success. Do you believe this? If you do not then you have chosen (yes chosen) a different route and success will not be a prominent feature! Success is about choosing what you want in life and taking the necessary steps to achieve that goal. Success is not stopping until you get there!

Read the last two sentences again. Easy to say but how do you get there? What are the choices made by the successful? What are they doing differently from everyone else?

Choose to remove whatever is holding you back. Has something happened in the past to affect your self esteem? Do you immediately have negative thoughts as soon as money and success come to mind? If you are not choosing success then it is likely that something is blocking your ability to change and follow a new path. To remove the block you must have focus. To have focus you must first have an all consuming dream of where you want to be. Only when you have defined that dream can you start to focus on it. Focus so intently that everything you do is done with your dream in mind. Only then can you move toward that dream.

Choose to live your success. Live your life as if you were successful, as if you had already achieved the goal that you are focusing on. When you are at work, visualize what your workplace will be like when you have reached your goal, and place yourself there. Sit at your desk as if you were running the multimillion dollar business that you are focusing on. When you get into your car, visualize what your dream car will be like and see yourself sitting in it. Visualize yourself driving away from your dream house. When you are in your home - look around it and see your new surroundings. Get inside the feeling - really be there.

The more you do this, the more your subconscious will think that you are successful and move you towards these things. Live your success expecting to realize it. Living it now is a practice run for when it comes to you. After all, you want to be prepared, don't you?

Choose to believe in your success. What your conscious mind believes, your subconscious strives to achieve. Look around at your friends and acquaintances and ask yourself how many of them have unshakable belief in where they are going. Are they successful? Possibly not - they may be in a good job and have a nice life but they do not have the success factor. Perhaps you do know of someone with unshakable belief. They may not be successful now but they will be moving in the right direction. Watch that space....

Belief is the catalyst which takes the dream and turns the focus into a plan to get there. Never underestimate the power of belief.

Choose to be emotional about your success. Belief plus emotion are unstoppable. If you have utter belief then you will develop emotion. If you want something badly enough it is emotive. Maybe it is to get out of debt. If you have suffered the hardships of this situation you will feel everything to do with debt and money is charged with emotion. This is the reason behind so many 'rags to riches' stories. Sometimes only the most devastating of emotional circumstances are the catalyst for change and a move toward success instead of away from it.

You can choose success. Or you can choose to stay safe and do what you do now. Guess what - you will still be doing the same in ten years time. The question is - do you want to?


Unknown said...

Absolutely fantabulous!! So motivational, and so very true! Go Girl Friend!

Ask Jim Lucier said...

Julie, great words of advice that need to be taken to heart

Kann Do Girl said...

Julie, this is quite true, we must focus. Even if we stray or stumble, we must get right back on that focus train! Great job.

Unknown said...

Awesome gal. Fantabulous even! Keeping it real! Live the success is so true!

GFranklin said...

Choose to believe in your success) I love this statment

Anonymous said...

This is one great blog You must of put alot of thought into it

John High said...

Well Julie I tell You this is very powerfull stuff. Your thinking has to be positive. The only way to end up rich is to think rich, believe rich and act like the rich. Changing you mindset in this way makes all the differece.
Nice Piece
John High
The Freedom Guy

Hank Dunckel said...

You sure know the secret to success in life and nice you can share the information with others!

Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man; but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. - Vince Lombardi

Vince Lombardi was a Fantastic Pro-Football Coach.

Hank Dunckel & Spot Dunckel
Google Me Soon

Anonymous said...

Julie this is an awesome blog. I totally agree with everything you have said. And you said it so wonderfully. you are an inspiration.

A J Gardner Google Me

Anonymous said...

Yes... Choose to believe in your success and success will happen. It's the Power of Intention! Great Post!
Scott OBrien

Anonymous said...

We all start life with a blank slate, with our stories written on that slate a day at a time. But we each hold the chalk in our own hand, poised to write the day's chapter by the choices we make.

Giant events are composed of countless smaller events acting in unison. Each small event either contributes to, or diminishes from, the greater good of the self, and by induction, those around us who are also writing their stories.

Choices are not always clear, but they are almost always there. As you pointed out once, not making any choice at all is a choice in itself.

Of all the freedoms granted to us in our world today, none is more sacred than choice, for without choice we no longer are in possession of our own selves but rather slaves to the opinions of others, or our own misunderstandings of ourselves and our purpose in life.

Tomorrow's slate is still clean - what will you write upon it by day's end?

Hank Dunckel said...

Visualization is how my mother got her Orbit mobile chair for those days when it hard to walk around the house or outside. Told her about Earl Nightgales "The Strangest Secret" that is on YouTube and that the photo she had of the Orbit Unit and see her shelf seating in that unit. She had been wanting it for 2 years and within 2 months to path was cleared and she now has one.

Hank Dunckel
Google Me Soon

Anonymous said...

Awesome Julie! I tell myself everyday that I am successful therefore I will be.

Wavecritter said...

"Never underestimate the power of belief." Belief is the secret! :)

Wavecritter said...

Belief in Success :)

Anonymous said...

Great words of advice, very powerful.

Rhonda Olin - Google Me

michael curry said...

You have to takes chances and choose success...
Your Friend @
Michael Curry - google me

Wavecritter said...

Secret To Success!

Anonymous said...

Cool Beans!

Kann Do Girl said...

Great info Julie. Some of these aspects take a lot of re-enforcing in order to replace our 'old programming'. We never realize how deeply embedded these things are sometimes.

GFranklin said...

Your post just got added to the spider buffet check it out

Ask Dwayne petersen said...

Makeing the right choice is some times hard to do. but you have said some powerful things here Thanks

mike jackson said...

Hey Julie
You are what you make yourself in this world.Great article

Bob Caine said...

I believe the whole VM is after success and we are going to get there. You motivation will help everyone. Thanks, Julie.

Wyverex said...

Choices are important

Kurt Mitchell said...

we need to change the movies that run in our heads.

'Digital" Don Hill said...

Your insight is incredible, Julie! You have a way of putting into words some of the more difficult and abstract thoughts concerning the inner self and how we can effect change - which always starts within before it's manifested without.